Headgear Fumigation Cabin

Created on:2023-10-18 09:17

Headgear Fumigation Cabin

In recent years, infectious diseases such as severe acute respiratory syndrome, avian influenza, Ebola and new crown viruses spread through the air or contact have always been a threat to human society. Because the first-line rescue personnel or high-level laboratory staff need to directly contact the source of the disease, wearing protective equipment is particularly important to protect the safety of personnel. As a kind of respiratory and contact protective equipment, the protective hood can provide a protection factor much higher than that of ordinary masks and hoods. It can not only completely isolate personnel from the polluted environment, but also provide clean flowing air for the interior by purifying the ambient air, which has higher safety and comfort. The full name of the positive pressure hood is the power supply type positive pressure biological protective hood, which is a respiratory system and head protective equipment that provides clean breathing air and can keep the internal gas pressure higher than the ambient gas pressure. A high level of protection for the heads of persons who come into contact with or may come into contact with highly pathogenic microorganisms.

Protective equipment such as positive pressure biological protective head covers need to be thoroughly disinfected and sterilized after use, so as not to cause infection to the user in the next use. At present, the disinfection and sterilization method of positive pressure biological protective head cover is generally soaked in chlorine-containing disinfectant for about 30 minutes, and then rinsed with water to dry. This method requires manual operation, which not only consumes a lot of manpower, but also has low disinfection and sterilization efficiency.

Shanghai Jiehao Biotechnology Co., Ltd. can efficiently sterilize protective appliances such as positive pressure biological protective hoods thoroughly.

structure composition

headgear fumigation cabin is a special equipment that uses hydrogen peroxide to sterilize the headgear. It is mainly composed of a cavity, a fresh air system, an exhaust system, a circulation system, a hydrogen vapor evaporation system, and an electrical control system.

has the following advantages over traditional headgear fumigation equipment and other sterilization cabinets

  • The inner cavity is welded with 316L stainless steel plate to ensure the surface finish of the box body, easy to clean and sterilize;

  • ● Box fillet design, box tilt design, more conducive to cleaning and sterilization, to ensure sterile requirements;

  • ● The sealing standard of the box adopts the highest standard design of the isolator industry to ensure that the hydrogen peroxide vapor leaks to the room during the sterilization process to a very low level and ensure the safety of the sterilization process.

  • ● In the headgear fumigation chamber, the sterilization inner frame can be customized according to the needs of Party A to facilitate the reasonable loading and effective sterilization of the sterilization headgear.

  • ●The integrated hydrogen peroxide steam sterilization system is adopted, and the internal air flow circulates during sterilization, which can sterilize all corners inside the headgear fumigation cabin and avoid sterilization dead corners;

  • Normal temperature and pressure sterilization, high safety, suitable for the vast majority of materials sterilization;

  • ● The interior of the headgear fumigation cabin adopts laminar flow design, which can realize the function of ordinary transfer window without sterilization;

  • ● Sterilization process automation, with timing sterilization function, more conducive to production scheduling needs;

  • ●Using tablet computer operation, the control system meets the requirements of 21CFRpart11 and computer verification, each sterilization data can be recorded and generated reports to meet the requirements of data integrity;

● Stable process control, in line with GAMP5, 21CFR Part11 requirements.

Hydrogen Peroxide Steam Sterilization System

A. Performance parameters

Serial Number


Parameter Description


Concentration of hydrogen peroxide solution for sterilization




Sterilization Effectiveness

(Bacillus stearothermophilus)


sterilization process pressure



sterilization cavity temperature

≤ 35 ℃


sterilization cycle time

depends on internal loading

B. Advantage Features


sterilization process is divided into four steps:

1) Pretreatment: Dehumidify the cavity by drying sterile compressed air, and preheat the evaporation plate and air heater.

2) Hydrogen peroxide injection: hydrogen peroxide liquid is injected into the evaporation plate by peristaltic pump to evaporate into hydrogen peroxide vapor, which is circulated to the cavity of the whole headgear fumigation chamber by circulating fan.

3) Sterilization stage: Adjust the peristaltic pump to low speed according to the formula to reduce the amount of hydrogen peroxide liquid injection and maintain the concentration required for sterilization in the head cover fumigation chamber.

4) Ventilation: The hydrogen peroxide vapor in the headgear fumigation chamber is replaced by fresh air and exhaust air to rapidly reduce the concentration of hydrogen peroxide vapor in the headgear fumigation chamber to below a safe concentration.


sterilization and leak test, if the leak test fails, sterilization will not be performed.


exhaust is equipped with a precious metal catalytic filter, which can effectively reduce the concentration of hydrogen peroxide vapor in the exhaust air and improve the safety of the exhaust;


is equipped with a hydrogen peroxide liquid weighing module, which can monitor the weight of hydrogen peroxide liquid in real time. If the amount of hydrogen peroxide is insufficient at the beginning of sterilization, sterilization cannot be carried out. The hydrogen peroxide liquid consumption was monitored and recorded in real time during the sterilization process.

electrical control system

A. Advantage Features


comply with FDA EU standards, electronic signatures, multiple sets of passwords;


friendly man-machine interface with fan, valve working status and temperature, humidity, pressure, concentration and other parameters display;


"formula management" can set numerous sterilization process parameters, including the time of each stage of sterilization, fan speed, hydrogen peroxide injection speed, etc;




The formula can be adjusted at any time during the sterilization process;


has two recording functions of data and curve, and can automatically produce reports according to batch number.


can store countless data, curve records;


The sterilization function has safety interlock protection to prevent personnel from misoperation during the sterilization process, causing the door to be opened;


electronic signature, three-level user rights management, curve report can not be modified;






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